Brilliant Minds Academy Logos

We are delighted with your interest in Brilliant Minds Christian Academy of Technology and look forward to welcoming your family to our community.  Consideration is given to students who will pursue academic study with dedication and responsibility as well as contribute to our campus community.  Your application will be processed through the Admissions Office.  Any questions related to the application may be directed to the Admissions Director who will be glad to assist you with the application process.

The suitability of any applicant for enrollment is at the sole discretion of Brilliant Minds Christian Academy of Technology.  All such decisions are final. Applicants who are not accepted for the enrollment may reapply for the following school year. 

Brilliant Minds Early Learning Academy &
Brilliant Minds Christian Academy of Technology

5900 Sundance Blvd.
Mulberry, FL 33860
863-646-6444 (phone)
863-646-6662 (fax)

Copyright© 2023. Brilliant Minds Christian Academy of Technology. All Rights Reserved.